It was once said by a very wise flatlander that learning a trick is like painting a fence. You start at one end of the fence and make your way to the other side. You paint one plank at a time. You don't do it all in one day either. You want to make sure everything is covered because you don't want to go back and do it again.
I painted another plank today. I struggled with my riding over all but I had some progression. I got comfortable with my roll and was able to almost pump it. I don't pump any trick but I was moving my feet around in such a way that I was feeling the balance point. I was only able to do it once before I needed to move on to another trick. I have complete faith that I will master this trick its just a matter of how long it will take.
I started a Poll to see how long it will take to learn. Lets see if the poll is correct. The only way will find out is if many more people vote. Please take the time to vote if you have not already.
Keep on Riding!!
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