Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Crackpacker Epidemic

Yes, its becoming a ((((WORLD WIDE)))) epidemic. Since I publicly announced that I was going to learn a crackpacker. I have found many other riders out there that are working on the same trick. Its funny when you think everyone in the world can do something except for you. Then you realize that your not alone. I got a real treat today when riding with Alex at the O.G. He has been working on Crackpackers also. He has this uncanny natural balance. He has made a TON of progression in the months that we have gotten to ride together. Here is Alex and his crackpacker.

Today I had some really good rolls. I was able to get about 15 to 20 feet a couple of times today. I am feeling more comfortable each day. I get tired easy so I go back and forth between the Crackpacker and other tricks.
Even thought I didn't make a new post yesterday I did ride for about 30 minutes. I was surprised that I found the time to ride. I am eager to show a new video of my progression and another picture. I am finding the balance point much faster than I was on the 30th of September. I am coasting much further now than I was in the first video as well. I will need to switch gears and start working on the ride in as well as a ride out too.

Keep on Riding!

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